Future of the information age technology
Currently, we live in the information age that is characterized by high-speed data processing and other modern technologies. As some of these technologies continue to be used we realize better and new ways to use them for human benefits. This leads to better technologies that will be common in the future. Information age technologies have a big impact on all aspects of our life.
In this article, we discuss some technologies that will characterize the next years of the information age. By the time all these technologies are fully in use maybe we may change from the information and digital age to a different age. Maybe the next age will be the artificial intelligence and robotic age, but that is an issue of wait and see.
The main information age technologies that will be fundamental to the next human era include artificial intelligence, big data, nanotechnology, machine learning, virtual reality, biotechnology, and 3D printing among others. You can explore more on the advantages and disadvantages of information age technologies in this other article.
Future of information age technologies
Artificial intelligence in the digital age
Humans, for a long time, have tried to create a device that can have intelligence similar to that of themselves. The progress has been slow but there are achievements on the same. Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer to perform tasks and agave abilities that are associated with an intelligent being. The abilities can be learning new things, making rational decisions, etc.
In the next few decades, we expect AI to advance more than it is today which will be among the technology that will shape the next era of human life.
Machine learning technology
This is the ability to train a computer to learn and achieve intelligence and be able to make decisions. Machine learning helps computers achieve intelligence comparable to humans. There are many types of machine learning methods that are used such as supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, and semi-supervised.
All these methods have tried to help machines to learn but we are still in the very early stages of computer learning. When machine learning will be fully understood it will help create artificial intelligence beings that will be future devices. When computers will be able to learn like humans from experience then that will be our next era in human existence.
Robotic future of the information age
Robots are machines that are capable of carrying out tasks and activities that traditionally were done by humans. Currently, robots are still used only in industries such as automobiles and areas that are dangerous to humans. Robots are still not mainstream technology.
By use of artificial intelligence and machine learning computers will be able to learn from experience and do all day-to-day tasks that are done by humans. When this time comes there will be no difference between work done by humans and machines. Actually, machines will be able to do some tasks better than humans. To reach that era of robots competing with humans for work both artificial intelligence and machine learning should be at an advanced level to facilitate intelligent robots.
This is a technology that deals with the manipulation of items at the atom or molecular level. Term nano comes from the size of a nanometer which is approximately 10-9 meters. The technology aims to create devices that can be used at the smallest level of items to effect changes that can be seen on the larger part of the item.
The technology is still in its infancy level, but when it will be fully realized potential it will affect all parts of human life. It can be used in the treatment of conditions such as cancer, used to lower climate change effects, and to create more efficient systems and equipment among other applications.
Big data
Humans have processed data in all their existence, but today there is more data to process than ever. Big data is data that is huge and complex to be processed by traditional data processing devices and methods. Every day we are producing data and leaving data trails that are the size of hundreds of Gigabytes. For faster and more efficient decision making these data should be processed faster.
When technology will reach a point where we can process the data that we are producing at the same late that we produce it then that will bring us to another human era. All these new technologies are producing new data that are huge and complex so the new human era needs to develop better ways of processing the data.
Quantum computing
This is a computing technology that uses quantum theory and mechanics to create devices that can process data faster than current computers. Quantum computing will increase the speed and processing power of computers to unimaginable levels. It will also be able to solve more complex problems that even today’s types of supercomputers cannot be able to handle.
The technology is still young and by the time it achieves its full potential, it will change the types of computers and even how data is processed. With a quantum computer, today’s problems will be so simple to solve.
Virtual reality and augmented reality
Augmented reality is used to add more features to the physical world that the user interacts with every day while virtual reality creates a completely virtual reality for the user. We can say virtual reality is an advanced level or improvement of augmented reality. These 2 technologies have a lot of potential that will shape human life in the future.
When we will be able to achieve a high level of virtual and argument reality then humans will have a physical aspect and a virtual which leaves on the internet. Those days what is real and virtual will be difficult to separate. Hologram technology combined with virtual and argument reality can be used to project 3D types of virtual objects. We have written more about application areas of virtual reality that you can read more about.
Internet of things (IoT)
This is the technology that ensures all devices and items are linked and communicate with each other in real time. By using sensors and fast internet communication we will have situations where everything surrounding us is in constant communication.
Devices are already connected and communicating but the future will see more connections in real-time. With the coming of faster 5G technology, we expect more devices will be connected to move data faster.
3D printing technology
3D printing also known as additive manufacturing is printing an object by adding layers of material on top of each other for a physical object. There are different types of 3D printing that are used. For more on types of 3D printing technology. Additive manufacturing is in use today but has not yet been adopted by the mainstream user.
When fully adopted we expect in the future to be able to print human organs that can be transplanted and used by people. Also, ordinary users will be able to manufacture any product from their home 3D printer at any time. This will change how we get spare both for items and even human body parts.
Brain-computer interface
The interface helps the human control a computer by use of brain signals. This is a complex brain-computer process but technologists and researchers have been trying to find ways to achieve the same.
When humans will be able to achieve this then we will become part human and part computer. This type of technology will bring about superhumans who are human-computer beings.
5G technology
The frequency of data transmission has increased the speed over time from a few KBs of data to MBs and GB per second has been promised by 5G technology. All those other technologies depend on how fast data can move from one location to another and in which form. 5G technology is promising to take data speed to another level.
You can read more on types of 5G technologies and their speed. When we fully adopt the technology we will be able to achieve data speed that will enable us to do all things that we think of today.
Conclusion on the future of the information age
Change is an inevitable part of human life and technology is the main factor that determines what changes and how. Change is coming and we should embrace it and aim to be part of it. Whichever the next age or human era will be called these technologies will be part of that change. The future has started changing in our eyes and we should be ready for it.